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Progressive rock in a sentence

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Sentence count:13Posted:2020-12-23Updated:2020-12-23
Similar words: progressiveprogressivelyunprogressiveprogressivenessprogressive taxpresent progressivepast progressiveprogressive waveMeaning: n. a style of rock music that emerged in the 1970s; associated with attempts to combine rock with jazz and other forms; intended for listening and not dancing. 
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1. The relationship of progressive rock and the counterculture is thus uneasy and internally contradictory.
2. How, in that case, could late 1960s progressive rock be specific to the counterculture?
3. A look at some examples of the so-called progressive rock of the mid - and late 1960s may clarify this question.
4. This is "progressive rock" in the most positive sense of that much-maligned term.
5. He always enjoyed listening to progressive rock, hard rock, heavy metal , funk, blues and reggae.
6. By the late 1970s, progressive rock had become discredited and its stylistic opposite, punk, captured the imagination of rock listeners for a time.
7. For well recorded progressive rock, the W1000 are also very nice.
8. However, I can understand why they might seem dismissive, especially when considering the way in which Pink Floyd have been saddled with the lazy and much-maligned term "progressive rock".
9. Mixed with hardcore, Metal, Indie, Acid, progressive rock and noise, the Cyberne's music is somewhat pioneer but simple, emphasizing original beat and animal brutal instinct.
10. The Russians go in for progressive rock, the Americans like the Beatles, Italians go for Genesis and you sell the classical to China and South Korea.
11. For more than a decade, the spectre of the return of the hippy, of progressive rock, has haunted music-making.
11. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
12. New experimentation in rock during the late 1960s matured into progressive rock at the beginning of the 1970s.
13. Bands described as technical death metal or progressive death metal usually fuse common death metal aesthetics with elements of progressive rock, jazz or classical music.
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Total 13, 30 Per page  1/1 
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